
Civ 6 save game location
Civ 6 save game location

civ 6 save game location civ 6 save game location

Some are universal and are useful in nearly every game, while others are more situational and depend on your starting conditions. To steer you in the right direction, we’ve put together this list of early game tips. Truly, the early game-say, the first 100 turns or so-is the foundation upon which your empire will flourish or flounder. In Civ VI, your early game decisions represent building the snowball and gently tossing it in the hopes that, come the late game, it’s an unstoppable force that has gained too much momentum to be slowed. At first, it’s a small, harmless thing, but as time goes on, it grows in size until it’s capable of mowing down everything in its path. A game of Civilization is a lot like rolling a snowball down hill.

Civ 6 save game location